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Switch Statement Flowchart Example

Another advantage is the lower complexity compared to the if-else statement method. In particular, the switching case flowchart avoids creating multiple sequences that lead to complicated conditions. It allows you to test a variable against a list of values to modify the flow of control of program execution through search and mapping. Switch statements work similarly to the `if` statement used in high-level programming languages. The break statement is optional to ignore a labeled condition to end the sequence. When you execute the break statement, execution continues until the next case. If the default block is not at the end of the structure, you must place the break statement immediately after to complete the sequence without processing the next case. Step 3: Select a basic flowchart template to edit or click the [+] sign to start over. Also, you can use massive flowchart icons and library items in the left menu to customize your chart.

Double-click the icons and write a text message with the keywords, then click an empty area of the page to finish typing. Also, EdrawMax offers many built-in themes that allow you to change the current theme if you don`t like it. In summary, the switch statement is a very handy tool when we want to check a variable for a set of values. It could significantly reduce the amount of code compared to multiple if-else and also run faster depending on the compiler`s implementation. The switching instruction is one of the computer programming languages, which means a kind of selection control mechanism used to allow the value of a variable or expression to change the flow of control of program execution through a multipathed branch. It is easy to understand, read, maintain and verify that all values are covered. There are two main variants of switching instructions, the first is a structured switch that occupies exactly one branch, and the second is an unstructured switch that acts as a kind of goto. In C we can have an internal switch built into an external switch. In addition, the case constants of the internal and external switches can have common and conflict-free values. The flowchart above clearly shows how the Switch and Case statement works in Java. It shows how the match of the expression defined in the switch statement matches the Case value from top to the last step.

If the value corresponds only to the last step, i.e. false` is returned at the end of each case, the code is executed in the “default”. If the value of a case matches the expression, that is, returns true in one of the Case statements, the code for a particular block is executed, and then the execution exits the switch block. The flowchart of the switch statement contains several branches that make it difficult to use. Meanwhile, the if-else statement follows only two paths, depending on the value of the expression (true or false). When you get to the stage of adding symbols, you need to pay attention to the meaning of the top flowchart symbols: When programming, it is very difficult to handle different actions under different conditions. In Java and many other programming languages, statements such as if-else, if-else-if are used under different conditions. But what if there are “n” number of scenarios that require separate actions for each condition? Several if and else-if statements at this point in the code can confuse the programmer at some point in the code, as they involve multiple braces and a set of instructions for each condition. To handle such situations in Java, switching case statements are used to facilitate programming and reduce the line of code and complexity. Switch statements are mainly used to improve clarity. “IF” statements increase the complexity of a program when another path emerges.

When there are multiple “if” statements in a program, it becomes difficult to understand and understand the program. In this example, we test the direction of the variable relative to all four directions. If we find a match, we print the corresponding direction. If no match is found, the default statement is executed and says “Unknown direction”. There is a potential problem with the if-else statement, which is the complexity of the program as the number of alternative paths increases. If you use multiple if-else constructs in your program, it can become difficult to read and understand a program. Sometimes it can confuse even the developer who wrote the program himself. In the article above, we mentioned almost all the scenarios of switch instructions and the outputs they can generate. Although it is very easy to work on switching instructions, it must be well understood by the programmer before working on them, as this can sometimes lead to unexpected results when mistakes are made. Typically, the switch should be used in a scenario where the action must be performed under certain conditions and there are many conditions.

With only 2-3 conditions, things can be settled with if-else-if statements. A switching case flowchart can be created easily and quickly with EdrawMax. The graphical representation is accessible to help many users. It is easy to use and easy to make. With EdrawMax, you can customize the design, select appropriate shapes and symbols, and present the flowchart in an accessible format. Click here to use EdrawMax and create the charts. However, this flowchart has some limitations that slow progress in certain situations. Therefore, you need to review it carefully before choosing the flowchart to support your coding work.

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