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Tower Requirements Lost Ark

You now know the tower briefly. Let`s see how to unlock and access them. Now, let`s take a look at some rewards you can get during the first expulsion in these towers. Both towers have 50 levels. But Fatespire is a higher level than Shadespire. Even for Fatesspire Stage 1, you need a higher item level than Shadespire`s 50th level. Although it`s simple, the rewards you get from spins can be a big boost for your character. Therefore, daily grinding in the tower is necessary. Tower is a single-player challenge that unlocks after reaching ilvl 302 – Shadespire.

You will find tours in major cities. The principle is to complete the successive floors (the additional floors are delimited by the following ilvl levels), each offering a different challenge: usually defeat certain enemies or bosses. When you finish each floor, you will receive a reward and regain lost health. You will not be able to modify your equipment or skills while you participate. You also have targets in the tower. The main objective is to clear the ground of the tower. But there are also other secondary objectives. If you achieve all the goals, all rewards for the field will be assured. Well, you must be here because of Dark Wolf Riku. A lot of people are. This tower on each floor can confuse you and frustrate you a lot. And then you end up with this huge boss you`re dealing with? Currently, there are two versions of the tower.

The Shadespire Tower for a total of 50 floors. In addition, the Fatespire tower for another 50 floors. So between the two towers, you have 100 floors to move forward. The tower is only available after unlocking. But first, we must meet both requirements. We need level 50 and a GearScore of 302. We get this GearScore by completing the Chaos dungeons or quest line in Shushire. The Shadespire Tower is the first version of the Tower that you can run once you reach Endgame.

You must have at least item level 302 and item level 540 to remove them. Your rewards for the first run will be something like burning recipes. After that, as soon as you run it again, you will receive break-in hardware. Tower activity is unlocked when level 50 is reached and the Public Announcement Tower Guide quest is complete. Once you`ve met both requirements, enter a larger city and look for the tower icon on your map. In North Vern, it is located at the northwest corner of the central city. The tower is accessible from any major city; Look for this icon on the map. It will turn gray if you have not completed the necessary guide quest. In this article, you`ll learn everything you need to know about the tower of Lost Ark. No matter what level you are at or what level of object you have, it does not change the difficulty of the floors of the tower.

However, you must have a specific item level to start a floor depending on the requirement. Countless adventurers entered the tower to defeat the demons. They discovered the secrets of the tower, but were eventually devoured by its traitors. However, they are certainly up for the challenge. Once we have met the requirements, the public announcement tower consultation quest will be proposed to us. We should just go to the tower in the capital of Nordvern and click on it. A new interface window opens. The same floor of the tower can be played several times. But a special reward is earned on each floor at the first end. If you finish the same floor again, you will also get rewards, but not as good as the first clear. We start on the first floor and, if successful, climb the tower higher.

It is not possible to jump floors. Only after successfully mastering one stage do we unlock the next. If we fail, it is not a problem because we have unlimited attempts. If successful, we go through the exit to the north. If these requirements are met, both towers will be unlocked. And once you unlock and enter the towers, you will be able to participate in 3 different challenges inside the towers. This page of the guide describes the solo activity of the dungeon – turns – in Lost Ark. You will learn how to participate in the tower, what the requirements and challenges are, and what the rewards are for completing the dungeons. As you can see in the Tour menu, there are two types of towers. You start on the first floor of a certain tower and have to go upstairs. Each floor has a goal, a time limit, and an accompanying reward.

Rewards vary if it`s your first clear or a later one on an alternate character. We`ll cover specific ground challenges and rewards in each turn`s guide, but here`s a general overview of the challenges you can expect: The tower is very simple and one of the easiest endgame content in Lost Ark. Still, players are confused about the tower in Lost Ark. Quests to unlock it and access it are some of the things that confer players. The tower will be unlocked once you have fulfilled the requirements. Now, to access Shadespire, you can follow the rest of the process: As mentioned earlier, each floor has different item-level requirements. Here is the list of item levels required for each Shadespire floor: At the beginning of each floor, there will be a starting area where players will have the opportunity to select or trade combat items from the inventory to the skill bar and modify their abilities. Once you`re on one floor of the tower, you can`t change your skills, so make sure you`ve chosen the right skills. This content is usually not that difficult, but there can be some pretty unique and challenging boss fights. If you can`t complete them, try changing your skills for a construction better suited to Guardian raids or Abyss dungeons.

For Fatespire, everything is the same and you can access it from the same place. But the requirements for Fatespire differ in the item level and quest listed below: With the first character we get special rewards related to the account.

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